Any way, getting back on topic, NZ is really bad at this whole US (AKA. Secret Magic Kingdom) spying on everyone stuff. Like, this has been happening for many years. They then make the mistake of coming to NZ for their super secret meeting and OMG, massive Cluster Phuq of Super Secrets being released publicly......
Oh dear, bit of a media Disaster thingy......
We do try really hard to spy on everyone and join in on your 'Super Secret Friends' game but we are really shyte at it.
SORRY !!!!!!!
We are really, really, really, sorry for exposing your Super Secret Meeting and we really do promise to keep it Super Secret next time.
Or, maybe we should be expelled from the Super Secret Club, you know, just in case we keep releasing Super Secret Secrets... ?
"The truth is that the 5 Eyes spooks meet in NZ quite regularly and the surprise by the corporate media is more due to the lack of institutional knowledge now inside these news organisations.
The surprise by the corporate mainstream media that the 5 Eye Nazgul are meeting in Queenstown is Orwellian double think.
This was March 2011…
Key meets high-ranking US intelligence chief
Prime Minister John Key has had a meeting with a man he describes as the most senior American intelligence official to visit New Zealand.
…this was September 2012…
US Defense Secretary’s visit ‘shows great progress’ – Coleman
New Zealand is hosting the United States Secretary of Defense today in a symbolic visit that could signal a move towards restoring defence ties between the two countries.
…and this was November 2012…
Mystery spook’s identity confirmed
The identity of a United States spy who mysteriously landed in Wellington last year can be revealed as National Security Agency director General Keith Alexander.
…this ignorant surprise at 5 Eye spooks visiting NZ hides the horrible reason as to why the 5 Eye Nazgul visit so regularly here, and that is because we are so apathetic that we don’t bother protesting these visits.
If these spooks were trying to meet in Canada, Australia, Britain or the US, it would provoke massive civil rights protests, but because they are held in the Shire, the sleepy hobbits of muddle Nu Zilind barely even register what the hell is going on.
It is time we pulled out of the 5 Eyes and became an independent nation again, whatever we gain from being a member is nothing compared to the control we are losing. The GCSB and SIS have both had increases in budget by 250% and 174% under National and Key reorganised the following intelligence apparatus to answer only to a small clique of security goons that Prime Minister Bill English now controls; the Organised Crime Intelligence Unit, Financial Intelligence Unit, Strategic Intelligence Unit, National Bureau of Criminal Intelligence, Identity Intelligence Unit, Threat Assessment Unit, Police Terrorism Investigation and Intelligence Group and the Special Investigation Group.
That’s a lot of security apparatus doing what?"