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Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
When you want that jacked look but also the ability to corner quickly.

Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
The dev's seem to have no issue with illegal piracy.
Only with legal mods or updates, I have previously expressed 'surprise' at this but clearly this is the choice they have made.

My opinion, why bother to buy the game, just pirate and hack/mod what you want.......

I have spent years supporting the game but I struggle to see why given the lack of dev support for improving it.
(Rockingham does not count, many, many suggestions have been made over the years to get this game to where it should be, phuq ov has been the repeated response....)

S2 2005, It's now 2017 and I'll probably be banned for my opinion.......

Pirates however will continue to be supported by the devs.....
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Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Remember who gave you potatoes !

And you still managed to produce whisky rather than vodka. Smile

Must have been your Scottish rulers who impressed upon you the correct way, rather than your later english overlords, who gave you the potato.

Then you felt empowered by being navies, or rather n****** for your English overlords.

Whatever keeps you people happy I guess ..........

Racer Y:- Don't bother mentioning Bourbon, seriously, try Irish whisky, then try to discuss decent whisky in a conversation involving US Bourbon without the words 'Rat Piss' being involved ....
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Racer X NZ
S2 licensed

Fiat 600 did evolve into a 'Race Car' so .....

Renault 4 did evolve into a 'Rally Car' so .....

And the Citroen evolved into a Cess Pit......

OK, crush the Citroen, its French so 'Save the Snails'.

Live with the Renault, prob the most fun day to day.

Drive the Fiat (Like u stole it)

Right, try this choice...
(All Fords to make things easy Smile)


Ford Sierra Cosworth Group A.

BDA Escort.
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Racer X NZ
S2 licensed

Anyway, here's the real secret truth on the nature of life...
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Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Americans begging the world to give them stuff for free because they're special, Check US foreign policy. Smile

The next step will be a threat to nuke the game because they didn't get what they want. Or blame the Russians for derailing they're plans....

What is it with people from the Americas wanting the rest of us to give them stuff for free ????
Some continental entitlement disorder ??

Anyway, the discussion was whether or not the US was a wealthy country, I just made the point about their military spend and how much it was, therefore pointing out the wealth of the country.
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Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
"Military Spending in the United States. In fiscal year 2015, military spending is projected to account for 54 percent of all federal discretionary spending, a total of $598.5 billion."

Of course the US is a wealthy country, look at what the "Good Old Boys" choose to spend their Tax $ on.

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Racer X NZ
S2 licensed

Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Ok, US 5750 is NZ$ 8361.21....

With that budget, how are you having a problem. Shrug

This review is a bit old but here's an $8000 US computer running triple Nvidia 980's

With your budget, latest hot i7, 32 Gig DDR4, Nvidia Ti 1080 (SLI may be ott atm), water cooled everything, LED Bling and gold plated case, you should still be well under budget.....
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
And that 'plays' MS Flightsim 2004 ????
I'm impressed.
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Any way, getting back on topic, NZ is really bad at this whole US (AKA. Secret Magic Kingdom) spying on everyone stuff. Like, this has been happening for many years. They then make the mistake of coming to NZ for their super secret meeting and OMG, massive Cluster Phuq of Super Secrets being released publicly......

Oh dear, bit of a media Disaster thingy......

We do try really hard to spy on everyone and join in on your 'Super Secret Friends' game but we are really shyte at it.

SORRY !!!!!!!

We are really, really, really, sorry for exposing your Super Secret Meeting and we really do promise to keep it Super Secret next time.

Or, maybe we should be expelled from the Super Secret Club, you know, just in case we keep releasing Super Secret Secrets... ?

Unofficially... Smile

"The truth is that the 5 Eyes spooks meet in NZ quite regularly and the surprise by the corporate media is more due to the lack of institutional knowledge now inside these news organisations.
The surprise by the corporate mainstream media that the 5 Eye Nazgul are meeting in Queenstown is Orwellian double think.

This was March 2011…

Key meets high-ranking US intelligence chief
Prime Minister John Key has had a meeting with a man he describes as the most senior American intelligence official to visit New Zealand.

…this was September 2012…

US Defense Secretary’s visit ‘shows great progress’ – Coleman
New Zealand is hosting the United States Secretary of Defense today in a symbolic visit that could signal a move towards restoring defence ties between the two countries.

…and this was November 2012…

Mystery spook’s identity confirmed
The identity of a United States spy who mysteriously landed in Wellington last year can be revealed as National Security Agency director General Keith Alexander.

…this ignorant surprise at 5 Eye spooks visiting NZ hides the horrible reason as to why the 5 Eye Nazgul visit so regularly here, and that is because we are so apathetic that we don’t bother protesting these visits.

If these spooks were trying to meet in Canada, Australia, Britain or the US, it would provoke massive civil rights protests, but because they are held in the Shire, the sleepy hobbits of muddle Nu Zilind barely even register what the hell is going on.

It is time we pulled out of the 5 Eyes and became an independent nation again, whatever we gain from being a member is nothing compared to the control we are losing. The GCSB and SIS have both had increases in budget by 250% and 174% under National and Key reorganised the following intelligence apparatus to answer only to a small clique of security goons that Prime Minister Bill English now controls; the Organised Crime Intelligence Unit, Financial Intelligence Unit, Strategic Intelligence Unit, National Bureau of Criminal Intelligence, Identity Intelligence Unit, Threat Assessment Unit, Police Terrorism Investigation and Intelligence Group and the Special Investigation Group.

That’s a lot of security apparatus doing what?"
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Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
So, despite the dev's trying to deal with these's "Wonderful Special Snowflake People" they still seem to be dissatisfied.

Gosh, that's a huge surprise.

Sorry, actually, no it isn't. I do believe that's just what what many of us said the first time.

Still, please carry on being "Caring and Sharing" and support these hackers on the forum. Seems to be going well so far......

After all, what (more) could possibly go wrong with this approach .........

Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Quote from Racer Y :I got my grand daughter hooked on this old song - hell it's older than I am.

LOLZ, Damn Youngsters......
While your going through your Brit Jazz/Blues stage, introduce her to this Na-na
IMHO, it's much better than Dark Side.

"Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Now there's a look in your eyes, like black holes in the sky.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
You were caught in the cross fire of childhood and stardom.
Blown on the steel breeze.
Come on you target for faraway laughter.
Come on you stranger, you legend, you martyr, and shine!

You reached for the secret too soon, you cried for the moon.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Threatened by shadows at night, and exposed in the light.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Well you wore out your welcome with random precision.
Rode on the steel breeze.
Come on you raver, you seer of visions.
Come on you painter, you piper, you prisoner, and shine!"

Try this too, Syd's first solo album Smile

"So basically, after Syd Barrett was done with making one of the absolute masterpieces in all Psychedelic Rock, he left the legendary band he had formed and went on to compose two of the greatest works in the new sub genre he practically had invented, Psychedelic Folk. After his work was completed and his status as the spiritual and artistic leader of the two main strains in the whole psychedelic movement had been stated, he retired and lived a peaceful life, away from the pressure of being a pop idol. It sounds like a brilliant career to me, not a tragic one."

And, (You may well like this) I've just recently started to listen to this talented lady.

She has quite a bit online, enjoy.. Nod
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Is the US now arming M-13 as well ???

Given the hardware the US has provided ISIS I'd expect your mercenaries to win easily.

After all, you gave them an Oscar for best propaganda video this year and you provided Cruise missile arty support for their latest propaganda effort so how can they lose. ?

Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed

Do not under any circumstance watch the ex UK Ambassador to Syria in this BBC interview.
He is clearly a Russian agent and as such you are not to watch this !

The BBC really need to do a better job of vetting their guests and stop allowing these free thinking people on. Really screws up the establishment narrative it does.

USA, USA, USA.....

"This country is only two hundred years old, and already we've had ten major wars. We average a major war every twenty years in this country. So we're good at it!

And it's a good thing we are. Can't build a decent car, can't build a TV or a VCR worth a ****. Got no steel industry left, can't educate our young people, can't get health care to our old people. But we can bomb the shit out of your country, all right!

Especially if your country is full of brown people. Oh, we like that, don't we? That's our hobby! That's our new job in the world, bombing brown people. Iraq, Panama, Grenada, Libya, you got some brown people in your country, tell them to watch the **** out or we'll goddamn bomb them! Well, when's the last white people you can remember that we bombed? Can you remember the last white people we bombed? Can you remember *any* white people we've ever bombed? The Germans! Those are the only ones, and that's only because they were trying to cut in on our action. They wanted to dominate the world. Bullshit, that's *our* **** job!"
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :

Quote from Racer X NZ :October 11 2016.

"Volkswagen Australia has announced that is has created a final special edition to commemorate the end of production of its Scirocco.

Called the Scirocco R Wolfsburg, the final 150 cars go on sale November 14 next month.

With the choice of just two colours, a pearl white or blue metallic paint, the final R Wolfsburg editions ride on large black-painted 19-inch alloys and come matched with black wing mirrors.

Inside, the final special edition Sciroccos come with sport seats.

All versions come powered with the Scirocco R’s 188kW/330Nm 2.0-litre turbo four-cylinder, with the majority of all the special editions coming equipped with the six-speed dual-clutch automatic transmission.

A manual six-speed will also be offered with the final R Wolfsburg trim but Volkswagen Australia only plans to import just 30 of them."

The 'F'ing car is now ending production before it's actually playable in LFS. Eight and a half years after being set for release the car is still MIA.

PHUQ, WW Part 2 only lasted Six and a half years.......

It only took VW 4 years to develop the car originally, developed 'early seventies' and released in 1974

I'll need to check but LFS may well have set a new record here, re wikipedia "LFS was used by Turtle Entertainment and Volkswagen to showcase the new Scirocco in Leipzig Games Convention in 2008. A competition using LFS was held and the prize was a real Scirocco car. The Scirocco release for Live for Speed had been scheduled for December 19, 2008, however it has been delayed indefinitely due to unexpected fatal flaws in the latest patch and with the Scirocco itself, forcing the LFS team to remake the suspension system and tire physics."

It's now gone from 'The Elephant in the Room' to 'Beating a Dead Horse'

That seems to sum it up really.....
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
October 11 2016.

"Volkswagen Australia has announced that is has created a final special edition to commemorate the end of production of its Scirocco.

Called the Scirocco R Wolfsburg, the final 150 cars go on sale November 14 next month.

With the choice of just two colours, a pearl white or blue metallic paint, the final R Wolfsburg editions ride on large black-painted 19-inch alloys and come matched with black wing mirrors.

Inside, the final special edition Sciroccos come with sport seats.

All versions come powered with the Scirocco R’s 188kW/330Nm 2.0-litre turbo four-cylinder, with the majority of all the special editions coming equipped with the six-speed dual-clutch automatic transmission.

A manual six-speed will also be offered with the final R Wolfsburg trim but Volkswagen Australia only plans to import just 30 of them."

The 'F'ing car is now ending production before it's actually playable in LFS. Eight and a half years after being set for release the car is still MIA.

PHUQ, WW Part 2 only lasted Six and a half years.......

It only took VW 4 years to develop the car originally, developed 'early seventies' and released in 1974

I'll need to check but LFS may well have set a new record here, re wikipedia "LFS was used by Turtle Entertainment and Volkswagen to showcase the new Scirocco in Leipzig Games Convention in 2008. A competition using LFS was held and the prize was a real Scirocco car. The Scirocco release for Live for Speed had been scheduled for December 19, 2008, however it has been delayed indefinitely due to unexpected fatal flaws in the latest patch and with the Scirocco itself, forcing the LFS team to remake the suspension system and tire physics."

It's now gone from 'The Elephant in the Room' to 'Beating a Dead Horse'

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Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Well, when TVNZ bother to buy this in 4 years time I'll have some way of seeing it. Till then, the only way would be to pirate it which is illegal so I guess I'll just wait.......

Maybe the BBC could look at some way of legally streaming it worldwide.......
Like, oh, I don't know, maybe like 'The Grand Tour' does.

The BBC does actually understand about the Internet, they just don't let anyone actually see their products on it.
A+ for marketing and sales there.

Still, any program without Shouty McShoutface MUST be better than anything with him in it.

How's the new 'Great British Bakeoff' going, we haven't brought that yet either. Big grin
I do believe that's another program to suffer from the rule, 'Make sure you aquire the talent before you buy the naming rights.'

The previous series of 'Top Gear' bombed so badly that TV here has no interest in paying money for the latest disaster. Maybe the current series is great, shame that it needs to prove its greatness all over again.

I'm certainly looking forward to eventually seeing the new Top Gear if it is actually that good. Shame the BBC are no longer in the position to sell it to a viewing audience.
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Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Surtees won the 500cc motorcycle world championship in 1956, 1958, 1959 and 1960 with the MV Agusta factory team, for whom he scored 22 wins at the top level before switching to cars, making his debut for Lotus and winning the Formula One title for Ferrari in 1964, which included a remarkable win at the Nürburgring and one at Monza.

It was an achievement made all the more impressive given the level of competition he faced, beating Graham Hill and Jim Clark into second and third places. During the 12 years he raced in F1 he won six races from 111 starts. He also took a third place for Ferrari at Le Mans in 1964.

In 1966, he also won the CanAm Championship in a Team Surtees Lola, again notable for the level of competition in a field that included Bruce McLaren, Dan Gurney and Phil Hill.

During his time on bikes he won the Isle of Man Senior TT four times, becoming the first man to win it three times in succession between 1958 and 1960.

Here's good tribute if you are interested.
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Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
"We rely on temperature gauges to tell us the conditions inside the engine's cooling system, naturally assuming that the readings are accurate.

A Bourdon Tube is a thin metal — usually brass or copper — tube that is filled with an easily vaporized fluid, typically alcohol. It is sealed at both ends. At the gauge end it is formed into a circle or spiral with its end attached to the indicating needle by some form of linkage. The other end is fitted to a water-tight connector that is in direct contact with the coolant in the engine.

As the coolant warms up the alcohol in the Bourdon tube expands. The expansion transfers its force to the coiled end of the tube inside the gauge. As the coil or spiral unwinds it pulls the linkage on the needle, which in turn shows a temperature reading on the gauge face. The gauges are calibrated during the manufacturing stage and are not adjustable afterward.

Basically, an electric temperature gauge is a voltmeter. The scale on the gauge face is reading temperature but the instrument itself is reading voltage. The gauge itself is comprised of a bimetallic (two different metals fastened together) "hairpin" assembly. This assembly is attached to the needle.

The gauge requires an electric circuit and a sending unit in order to read temperature. The sending unit is a temperature-sensitive material that is part of a variable resistance, water-sealed unit that sits in the coolant stream in the engine. As the engine warms up the resistance in the sending unit is lowered gradually until the system reaches maximum heat. The sending unit is the "ground" portion of the circuit.

In the completed circuit the battery voltage passes from one side of the gauge, through the bimetallic spring and onward to the sending unit, which is grounded to the engine. When the engine is cold the resistance is high, so little current passes through the gauge. This small current doesn't heat up the bimetallic spring, so the gauge reads a low temperature. As the engine warms and the sending unit's resistance lowers more current passes through the gauge and the needle reads higher and higher because the bimetallic spring expands further."

The good news is that LFS uses neither of these systems, the temp gauge shown in all the cars is pointless as it doesn't work. Smile
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
You've got more bad taste going on than I have ! I'm impressed.
And a great dig at Australians......

Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Stupid is....

Do learn to read, it's a useful skill.....

Quote from lucaf :I finally found the problem: from Control Panel opened Intel HD Graphics,

As I said..............
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
I fully understand that you were completely incapable of reading any of the above posts....

"I finally found the problem: from Control Panel opened Intel HD Graphics, there go to "3D" and switched both Anti-alias settings to "application" (maybe i did smthing else also). Now it works again.

Anyway, got also nice FPS with that old Radeon 4850, so I continue to stick with that, even its power hungry"

So, Try to read that, "I made a change in Win 10 and it worked again"

But, as you are a complete fwit clearly reading posts, or having any idea about IT, is completely beyond your comprehension.

Just carry on being a fwit and have a happy day Smile

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